
Ok, but this moment

Max doesn’t even flinch, he takes it in stride, he doesn’t even let Ash feel bad about it.

And you know that this is partly because he knows Ash has gone through a lot, has seen and suffered for so long but it’s also because Max probably also wakes up in the middle of the night, ready to fight, because the memories of the war and what happened with Griffin still affect him. 

So, of course, he could never fault Ash for reacting this way, not after everything he went through, especially after finding out that Eiji, the one person he feels safe with, has disappeared to who knows where and probably Max’s heart is breaking a little seeing him like this, but he also knows that Ash isn’t one that accepts being coddled by anyone (except Eiji) and just gives him a reassurance that it’s okay, he gets it, let’s move on. 

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